Shakuhachi and meditation: A micro-phenomenological project
I presented at the ICTM World Conference July 2019 about the research I have done on meditating while playing shakuhachi using micro-phenomenological methods investigating what exactly am I doing and how do I play shakuhachi and meditate at the same time. I have used auto-elicitation method as has been drawn up by Claire Petitmengin, which enabled me to interview myself on a daily basis regarding my daily practice. Using auto-elicitation method has enabled me to access deeply rooted mechanisms in my playing and meditation practice.
Shakuhachi Online
I have worked for a long time on the online shakuhachi community. I have gathered data about shakuhachi teaching via Skype or other video calls across long distances. How does it affect musicking (after Small) when people not in the same room or even on the same continent play together. How does it affect teaching methods and repertoire choices. Also the non-Japanese shakuhachi community has a strong presence online. I have been looking into this community, its development, changes of platform to analyse how important it is for the dissemination of shakuhachi as an instrument of the world today.
Construction of jinashi shakuhachi and its changes
I keep on looking at jinashi shakuhachi flutes made by contemporary makers to see how the construction changes over time. At present I do not have access to x-raying, thus I measure the flutes and photograph them. 3D-mapping would be the best.
Shakuhachi playing and facial muscle movements
In this project I will be looking at facial muscle movement by using video-based research methods when playing shakuhachi.
Shakuhachi and war
Music has always been an integral part of warfare. The shakuhachi is no exception, and I have started investigating the role of the shakuhachi in war.